New Year, New Goals!

by - 9:29 AM

Do you make resolutions each year? I look forward to it every December, when I reflect on my old goals and make five new ones to work towards.

I also pick a word for each year. This year my word is venture.

I have 5 goals this year:
1. Finish my master's degree
2. Dedicate 3 hours a week to One Kind Kindergarten (blog, TPT store, Youtube)
3. Find a new professional adventure
4. 100 days of yoga
5. 25 new books

For any goal that is quantifiable, I create a tracker for myself. It is so important to remember what you are working towards in life. When I get back to my students, I can't wait to see what kind of goals they will make for the five months we still have together!


How will I go about creating goals with the little ones? I created the above product to break it down into manageable steps for them.

Day one, we will discuss what a goal is and brainstorm possible goals for the rest of kindergarten: learning 90 sight words, counting to 100 by 1's, 5's, or 10's, adding and subtracting fluently, learning all the decompositions for numbers, improving reading skills, learning all letters and sounds for my newcomers, writing a paragraph, etc.

Day two, we will talk about how people reach goals and brainstorm goal strategies. I envision my students will come up with practicing at home, and pay attention at school, but I will encourage them to think of creative ways, such as counting steps on the way to music class, or practicing sight words with a partner in the bus line.

Day three, we will talk about the steps to reaching our focus goal. While there are many things we all want to learn, we should pick a goal for be primary in our minds to track. For example, if a student picked learning the 90 sight words, we might illustrate them practicing during centers, hitting 30 sight words, using them in their writing, etc. We will also illustrate how they will feel after reaching their goal---reaching a goal is a natural reward and should fill students with pride!

Using the calendar and coloring sheet, my class can revision goals throughout the second semester. Can't wait to see what my goal getters can accomplish!

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