my teacher resolution...

by - 11:00 AM

At the beginning of this school year, I received some news from the state board of education. My evaluation score had errors, and the state refused to fix it. This led me down a rabbit hole of emailing people, being rerouted to new people, being disrespected, disbelieved, and down trodden. I discovered that the state commissioner of education had called kindergarten through second grade a "dumping ground" for weak teachers. I felt negative, like I had no value.

My score was never fixed, but my attitude was fixed from my own choice. I chose to forget about scores--my students are more than a number, and so am I! I decorated my new classroom with care, I carefully planned for my new students, and I declared that year three would be the #bestyearever.

...Then reality hit. I dealt with situations that were beyond my control that caused me to come home and cry nightly and feel like a failure as a teacher and as person. To be honest, some of those situations are still currently occurring at my school. I won't discuss them here to keep professional and confidential, but know I am still struggling with major issues. 

Either way, I am recommitting to the dream of the #bestyearever for me and my students. This is the year we build the best relationships, make the greatest gains, and have the most FUN together.

Bring it on, 2019!


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