Asking and Answering Questions + Community Helpers Lesson Plans

by - 1:53 PM

Hello friends! Week seven is all planned and we have communities, asking and answering questions, research writing, describing different types of jobs, finishing our initial alphabet introduction, and counting in different arrangements within seven all up this week!


Text suggestions: Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do, Whose Tools Are These?, Building with Dad, ABC Firefighters, Maybe Something Beautiful: How Art Transformed a Neighborhood

We will continue to work on asking and answering questions before, during, and after reading. This week, I will be assessing student ability to ask and answer questions using a checklist. However, this week we will use our questions to guide research projects about different jobs in the community. I have selected doctors, firefighters, construction workers, and artists for us to study based on student interest.

Asking and answering questions within texts is a hard skill for kindergartners. Differentiate for your non-verbal students by providing them with cards that represent questions and answers. For example, vocabulary cards that have community helpers on them will be helpful if you want students to infer from the text which helper uses the tools.

We will use videos, a class guest speaker, and multiple texts in order to guide our research exploring new jobs. Students will use these experiences and sources to create daily writing pieces. I want them to be reflective about where they got their information, so I've added a place for them to circle where they got their information from. You can download these writing pages here.


We will be counting in different arrangements 0-7: students should be able to count in a circle, line, array, or scatter. Download the quick assessment pictured above by clicking the link. We will continue to link creating number symbols using quick writes such as this Count and write Powerpoint(click to download).

Our math tasks for the week will revolve around a chef planning for a catered event. I have a launch that includes brainstorming ideas about a catered food picture that you can use to prime student's thinking. What types of math does a chef use? What do they need to count?

Step one is pictured above, and is intended to build on student knowledge of counting in different arrangements. Which arrangement will be easiest to count? Which arrangements would seat all seven people? Step two is planning materials, and step three is a counting and representing problem. Have students discuss and represent their thinking at each step! I kept numbers under seven. These tasks are intended to encourage depth and conversation, and are easily edited to suit your student's needs.

Chef Math Tasks

Happy teaching!


Ms. M

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